[ Top ] [ Elevator Girl ] [ My Grandmothers ] [ Fairy Tale ] [ Windswept Women ] [ Profile ] [ Exhibition ] [ Publication ]
[ Japanese / English ]

Miwa Yanagi

Born in Kobe City

Education : Kyoto City University of Arts

Lives in Kyoto

In 1993 , held solo exhibition in Kyoto

Since 1996, participated exhibitions in Europe and U.S.A.

Create The "My Grandmothers" series which visualize the self-perceived notions of several young women when asked to imagine what type of woman they themselves might become fifty years later.


“Miwa Yanagi-Sammlung Deutsche Bank” Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, Germany



“The Incredible Tale of the Innocent Old Lady and the Heartless Young Girl” Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo


“Madame Comet” Yurinso,Ohara museum of Art, Okayama



“Miwa Yanagi” Chelsea Art Museum, New York



“Miwa Yanagi” The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas



“My Grandmothers” Tokyo Metropolitan Museum f Photography, Tokyo


“Windswept Women-The Old Girls' Troupe” 53rd Venezia Biennale, Japan pavilion, Italy


“Po-Po Nyang-Nyang!” The National Museum of Art, Osaka



Biographical Notes

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